Medival Dance Troupe Ensemble Obsidienne

(December, 2010)

Ensemble Obsidienne Cantigas de Santa Maria.
Como Somos Per Consello -Cantiga CXIX

In the thirteenth century, King Alfonso X, el Sabio (the Wise) gathered together in his Cantigas de Santa Maria four hundred songs (cantigas). These mystical, non-liturgical pieces were sung at various festivities, sometimes - as we see in illuminated manuscripts - accompanied by dancing. Their form, verses with refrains, lends itself to various alternations: soloist-chorus, dialogue between texts and instruments, etc. The Cantigas involve celebration, dancing, storytelling and tales of miracles. The language used is Gallego-Portuguese, the language of lyric poetry at that time.

Ensemble Obsidienne Cantigas de Santa Maria.
Muito demostra a Virgen

Producer: François Demerliac
Assistant Producer: Dorothée Auboiron
Graphic Treatment: Dorothée Demerliac
Music: Ensemble Obsidienne "¡Miracle! Cantigas de Santa Maria d'Alfonso el Sabio" CD Ref. CAL 9366
Musical Director: Emmanuel Bonnardot
Dance: Bassa Toscana
Copyright (2007)

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